Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Still Here...In Case Anyone Noticed

Just wanted to pop in and let my 0-3 loyal readers know that I'm still around these internetz! I ran into an unexpected spot of surgery just over 3 weeks ago, which followed a crazy few days of diagnostic testing.
However- I am once again back in full effect, as it were, and nearing the end of my road to recovery! If all goes as expected and hoped for, I should be increasingly loud, rowdy and busy in the coming weeks and months.
Expect it!


  1. Yay! Loud and rowdy are good.

    Sorry I haven't been a good commenter. I'll work on it.

  2. Duly forgiven, N. Working on it is all I can ask of you. Politely, that is...muahahaahaa
